
Obama Allies Attack Newt, Mitt to NYT Applause, But Bush's 2004 Attacks Were Wrong

Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg: "The jabs at Mr. Gingrich are one part gleeful mischief-making and one part serious due diligence....Their unrelenting attacks on Mr. Romney, which culminated in a ...

Jackie Calmes Twice Sees an Obama Goal of Budget 'Austerity'

No wonder it's so hard to cut federal spending: A limited "spending freeze" of $250 billion over three years, out of a 2001 budget of $3.8 trillion, is twice trotted out as a radical "austerity" ...

Times Trumpets Gitmo Prisoners Returning to Terror, But Excuses Obama

The Times leads with a leaked report showing "1 in 7 detainees" released from Guantanamo Bay rejoined the jihad - but reporter Elisabeth Bumiller still exercised some pro-Obama spin.

Now They Tell Us: John McCain a "War Hero," Barack Most Liberal Senator

With Obama safely in the White House, McCain-hostile reporter Elisabeth Bumiller says the military preferred McCain to the "liberal" Obama.

The Times Falls for French Prank After Mocking Palin for Similar Gaffe

The Times, which last month mocked Sarah Palin for getting taken in by a French prank....got taken in by a French prank, publishing a phony letter from the "Mayor of Paris."

Bumiller Breaks out the Thesaurus: Shinseki "Vilified" and "Reviled" by Bushies

Elisabeth Bumiller, the paper's Bush-hostile White House reporter, keeps it going as she moves to the foreign policy desk covering the Pentagon.

Did McCain Really "Tolerate Insults and Threats" of Obama?

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller also paints a distorted picture of John McCain's "devastated" reaction to Rep. John Lewis comparing him to segregationist George Wallace.

McCain's "Joe the Plumber" Flop; An NYT Photo Flop

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller lingered lovingly over a McCain campaign flub involving no-show Joe the Plumber, a story accompanied by a photo of McCain talking only to himself. Obama, by contrast, ...

Ignoring Rashid Khalidi's Anti-Israeli Radicalism

An Obama friend who the Times calls merely "critical of Israel" has actually defended attacks against armed Israelis.

Sprightly Obama, Slogging McCain

Compare and contrast: "As he races across the country in the climax of a marathon campaign, Senator Barack Obama has honed a final message calling on America to 'turn the page'..." vs. "In these ...
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