3/13/2014 9:20 AM ET
Liberal activists want to raise $50 billion to end coal industry once and for all.
6/22/2012 10:34 AM ET
Call for ‘99% of citizens to stand up for future for what they want.’
6/29/2011 7:05 PM ET
CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.
5/23/2011 1:18 PM ET
5 Years After: Networks Celebrate Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth,' Ignore Scientific Flaws, Criticism
2/10/2011 9:45 PM ET
Broadcast news emphasizes industry accidents nearly 80 percent of the time; ignore EPA and Obama attacks on U.S. industry.
1/21/2011 6:35 PM ET
Ethanol was touted as 'wave of the future,' hyped as 'easy solution' for energy independence.
5/28/2009 4:08 PM ET
Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill leaves committee while ABC, CBS, NBC remain silent.
8/15/2008 10:39 PM ET
'Green is Universal' network that dimmed set to push eco-programming gives cold shoulder to Chinese weather.
7/16/2008 8:18 AM ET
NBC reporter promotes high gas prices as a positive because they are forcing Americans to find ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
3/6/2008 8:06 AM ET
'Biggest enemies of the poor' might seek to shut down new nation's mining lifeline.