'Evening News' Spouts Old Attack on Bottled Water, Endorses Regulation

One-sided CBS report prefers tap, showers scrutiny on plastic containers and leaves out industry reps.

'Evening News' Takes EPA to Task on CO2, Claims Supreme Court Gave an Order

CBS segment bashes agency for not being more aggressive in policing carbon in the wake of congressional hearing.

Obama Spokesman: Government Mandates Don't Work

Co-chairman of liberal presidential candidate's campaign admits government-mandated health care just isn't feasible.

'Nightly News': 36 Miles a Gallon Not Quite Good Enough

Gas mileage of the Smart Car doesn't impress anchor Lester Holt, says 'it should be getting 50 to 60 miles a gallon.'

Media Ignore Judge's Liberal Background in State Emissions Regulation Ruling

Clinton-appointed federal judge in Vermont ruled states have the authority to dictate greenhouse-gas emissions standards to fight 'the phenomenon of global warming.'
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