Filling in for Andrea Mitchell during MSNBC's 12 p.m. ET hour on Friday, Hardball
host Chris Matthews hit President Obama from the left while praising
Attorney General Eric Holder's visit to ...
Between Wednesday's evening newscasts and Thursday's morning shows, NBC,
CBS, and ABC all praised Attorney General Eric Holder's visit to
Ferguson, Missouri. On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, ...
On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks ignored the latest news from the Fast and Furious scandal as a federal judge ruled that the Department of Justice (DOJ) must turn over a list of ...
Attorney General Eric Holder spoke with ABC’s Pierre Thomas over the weekend and made highlt controversial comments in which he claimed that the lack of support for President Obama’s policies ...
Frustrated by the Justice Department’s stonewalling of its IRS scandal
investigation, the House Oversight Committee, on Tuesday, sent a subpeona
to Attorney General Eric Holder but you ...
Chris Cuomo sparred with Senator Bernie Sanders on Thursday's New Day on CNN over the left-wing politician's scheduled hearing with Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki regarding the V.A. ...
On Wednesday Darrell Issa demanded Attorney General Eric Holder answer
new questions about the Justice Department’s role in the IRS’s targeting
of conservative groups. In a letter sent to ...
CBS This Morning co-anchor Charlie Rose on Thursday uncritically hyped an attack by Eric Holder that implied racism as the motive for Republican opposition to him and Barack Obama. Before playing ...