With a disparity of five-to-one, the same network morning and evening news programs that displayed an eager interest in Mark Foley's E-mail scandal minimized the groping and tickling of Democrat ...
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Friday moderated a group of mostly liberal voices to sympathize with Democratic Congressman Patrick Kennedy and, at times, former Representative ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, on Friday's Today show, remarked how similar the Eric Massa case was to the Mark Foley sex scandal in 2006, and back then Scarborough went with Matt Lauer's premise that ...
The Massa story moves forward, as reports surfaced that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office had been alerted to Massa's behavior with young male staffers back in October and the GOP moved to ...
ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday showed little interest in grilling Robert Gibbs over serious allegations made by a Democratic Congressman. Talking to the White House press secretary, he ...
ABC's World News on Friday night finally caught up with burgeoning Democratic scandals, though hardly showing the same zeal as when the networks incessantly focused on Republican Congressman Mark ...