
Reuters Editor Shrieks: Tax 'Lucky Sperm Club' to Break 'Landed Gentry'

For Chrystia Freeland, the thought of only taxing wealthy estates 35 percent is "destructive to the fabric of America." The Reuters global editor-at-large went on a ear-piercing tear on the ...

Sloppy ABC Misleads on Estate Tax Being 'Slashed'; It Will Actually Increase 35 Percent

ABC's Jon Karl on Thursday offered misleading, sloppy reporting on a congressional tax deal, bizarrely suggesting that the proposal "slashes" the estate tax. In a follow-up piece, news anchor Juju ...

AP: How Dare Steinbrenner Die in 2010

Less than 24 hours after baseball boss' death, newswire decries suspended estate tax, heirs' 'unexpected bonanza'

NY Times Dismayed Death Tax Didn't Hit Tycoon's Fortune

Media frustrated that 'accounting quirk' allows money to pass to children, grandchildren 'tax free'

Oh No! Rich Texan 'Allowed' to Give His Money to His Children Instead of IRS

David Kocieniewski writes: "A Texas pipeline tycoon who died two months ago may become the first American billionaire allowed to pass his fortune to his children and grandchildren tax-free."

Buffett: 'We Need More Taxes'

'Billionaire-next-door' again calls for taxing the wealthy on 'Good Morning America.'

Liberal Timothy Egan Passes Moral Judgment on "Truly Awful Rich People"

Egan celebrates the death tax and wonders if there's a Hell painful enough for Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, and Leona Helmsley.

Liberal Hypocrisy and the Death Tax, Demonstrated by NYT Publisher Arthur Sulzberger

The NY Post reports that Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. sold his Upper West Side apartment to his wife for $3.25 million for what a Times spokeswoman described as "estate-planning purposes."

Econ 101: Is the Estate Tax Good or Bad?

How the inheritance penalty affects the rich, the poor and the economy.
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