Does Jerusalem Bureau Chief Ethan Bronner really think the success of checkpoints designed to stop Palestinian terrorists "is a dark truth" and an example of "force" over diplomacy?
Is the presidential-level treatment of Ted Kennedy's passing warranted? The amount of coverage isn't the problem; it's the quality of the reporting that bothers.
NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller warned last week that the use of terms like "right-wing" when reporting on Israel could indicate a slanted report. So why does the phrase keep cropping up on its ...
Turkey's Prime Minister wants Israel banned from the UN over Gaza and told Israel's president "You kill people." The Times ignored those quotes, suggesting Erdogan is offering "healthy criticism."
Double standards in Gaza: Reporter Ethan Bronner put the Palestinian case in emotionally resonant terms, while his marshalling of pro-Israel arguments is scattered and grudging.
Ethan Bronner: "Yet in its campaign so far, which has killed scores of children and other bystanders, Israel has not spared the trappings of Hamas sovereignty or limited itself to military targets."
According to reporter Ethan Bronner, the terrorist group Hamas and the state of Israel both 'have a point' when it comes to violating a truce - and a defensive move by Israel 'drove the cycle of ...