
NPR's $100 Oil Series: Profits Will Be Used for New Exploration

Report explains how higher prices enable companies to invest in the future of energy.

ABC: Why is Shell Taking from Your Grandchildren's College Fund?

'Good Morning America' asks president of Shell Oil if he could 'cut back' on profits.

ABC Attacks CEI and 'Fossil Fuel Industry' for 'Disinformation Campaign'

'World News' correspondent blames business for misleading the American public about climate change.

Media Spread Suspicion of Gas 'Gouging'

Record gas prices prompt journalists' support for more price gouging investigations, vague legislation.

Q&A: Rep. Connie Mack Warns Media about Hugo Chavez

Outspoken congressman says media keep ignoring dictator's threats to U.S. interests.

A Thieving Dictator Only U.S. Media Could Love

Despite his threat to American business interests, Hugo Chavez is still the 'friendly' darling of the network news.

No Exxon Deed Goes Unpunished

San Jose paper runs accusations of 'greenwashing' in Exxon-Stanford partnership, but leaves out left-wing affiliations of critic.

Hillary Clinton: 'Hugo Chavez in a pantsuit'

Democratic presidential candidate wants to 'take' oil profits to fund her own projects.

The "Enormity" of Oil Profits by Exxon and Shell?

Clifford Krauss makes a strange word choice to describe record profits by the oil companies Exxon and Shell.

CNN's Romans: Conservatives Don't Bother Us about Global Warming As Much Anymore

CNN's 'In the Money' crew, way past 'tipping point' on climate, declares debate has 'come a long way' and laughs at companies' efforts to join climate change movement.
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