Times fashion reporter Eric Wilson rapturously reviewed the First Lady's inaugural clothes in the news section, not the fashion pages, of the paper. It was warmly introduced with a front-page ...
New York Times fashion reporter Cathy Horyn: "The man from Janesville, Wis., was hoisted onto the love
pedestal, a nerd suddenly out of his loafers and into the sex dreams of
Republicans, who ...
Sexual stereotypes are acceptable, as long as they portray women as
superior to men? In "The Edge Goes to the Women,"
Horyn wrote "Could it be that women, despite being outnumbered by male ...
On the front of the Sunday Styles section, fashion writer Bee-Shyuan Chang and the supposedly hard-news Times once again fawns over Michelle Obama the
fashion plate, who “has become a powerful ...
The Times asks of the March riots in London protesting reductions in government education spending: "What do you wear when protest and mayhem rock your world?"
Some more of that hard-bitten Times reporting: "Often called the First Lady of Fashion, Mrs. Obama has a sense of style, as we all know by now, that rivals Jackie Kennedy's. She has boosted the ...
Cathy Horyn favors Sarah Palin's fashion sense over Michelle Obama's, then braces for liberal brickbats: "...it seems to me that Sarah Palin, and not Mrs. Obama, is closer to how most of them ...