
The 'Consumer Group' That Doesn't Want You to Consume

Journalists love CSPI's hype and embrace its extremist anti-food agenda.

'American Morning' on Yo-Yo Diet of Obesity Hype

Twice this week, the CNN show has scoffed at anti-sugar crusades as silly or over-the-top, a departure from its usual reporting on the 'obesity epidemic.'

Post's Givhan Continues Complaint about Skinny Models

Writer attacks industry for thin model preference, but could just as well gripe about customers who drive the New York market.

CBS Obesity Story Heavy on Hype, Light On Substance

Reporter Thalia Assuras fails to inform audience of the limitations of body mass index in diagnosing, treating childhood obesity.

Media Rely on Stories That Are 'Bad for You'

Sugar and spice and everything else are all supposedly harmful - except when they're not.

Lack of Height Adds to Growth of Bills

USA Today downplays how optional treatment for short children adds billions to insurance costs.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

Restaurants Left out of Stories on Trans Fat Ban

Network news ignored or downplayed criticism of New York City's proposed food regulation.

NBC's Phillips Cites Psychologist Who Blames Advertising for Obesity

But the 'Dateline' excerpt left out that main source founded an organization dedicated to regulating advertising to children.

CBS Warns That 'Even One Bad Meal Can Hurt Your Body'

Network story on saturated fat is the media's latest entree in a menu of anti-fast food stories.
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