Media Research Center

CBS and NBC Promote ObamaCare Regulation on Publicly Displaying Calorie Counts

During their Tuesday evening newscasts, CBS and NBC squeezed in a few moments each to promote the newest health-related regulation set to affect Americans under ObamaCare next year in the form of ...
Media Research Center

Consumer Reports’ Fishy Advice to Pregnant Woman: Skip the Tuna

Magazine’s special report about mercury exposure disputes FDA guidelines, urges people to tell FDA to change recommendations.
Media Research Center

‘Hands Off My Cheese!’ Libs Panic About Fate of Cheese, FDA Caves

NYT, HuffPo and Slate turn on big government when it threatens one of their favorite foods.
Media Research Center

Food Police Group Pushed for Trans Fats, Now Take Credit for Possible Ban

Networks ignore CSPI’s 1980s promotion of trans fats that led to widespread usage.
Media Research Center

FDA Still Says BPA OK; Networks Continue Criticism

Bisphenol A ‘safe at the very low levels that occur in some foods,’ but that doesn’t stop broadcasts from questioning its safety.
Media Research Center

Ad Age Wonders if Sugar Will ‘Survive’ Regulatory Onslaught

“Large sugary drinks” got a reprieve this week after a judge struck down New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on drinks above a certain size and in only some dining establishments. But ...
Media Research Center

Media, Left Try to Put Their Hands on Your Shopping Cart

News outlets hype fears of chemical often found in food items, while lefty eco-, PR groups call for ban.

Behind the Scenes: The Lefty PR Group That Stokes Consumer Fear of BPA

Fenton Communications, the same group that got Alar banned after ‘scare,’ is using media to fight.

To the Rescue! 'Obama Tries to Speed Response To Shortages in Vital Medicines'

"...Mr. Obama's order and others he has issued recently reflect his belief in the power of government to improve people's lives. By contrast, top Republican legislators and presidential candidates ...

Martin Bashir Blames GOP for Cantaloupe Food Poisoning Deaths

In an outrageous rant during his 3 p.m. ET hour show on MSNBC on Friday, host Martin Bashir actually attempted to blame budget cutting by Republican lawmakers for a deadly outbreak of listeria in ...
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