
Notable Quotables - 02/21/2000

Notable Quotables - 03/08/1999

MediaWatch: February 22, 1999

No Valentines for Tripp "The Betrayer"; NewsBites; Clinton Won, So the GOP Must Go Left?; Networks Nix Newt News; MSNBC's Business As Usual

Notable Quotables - 02/22/1999

MediaWatch: February 8, 1999

In Love With the White House Lawyers; NewsBites; The Wild Swings in Hubbell's Relevance; Magazine Fan Mail; Today Remembers Hillary's Falsehoods; CNN Sets Itself Apart

Notable Quotables - 03/09/1998

MediaWatch: February 1998

Enlisting in White House War on Starr; NewsBites: Who Set the Sex Precedent?; The Monica Story's First Casualty; Editors Realize Liberal Slant
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