
Media Research Center

Bloomberg Businessweek Ignores Planned Parenthood Scandal As It Praises Buffett’s Funding of Birth Control ‘Revolution’

Magazine downplays Buffett’s support for abortion providers, while praising IUD research.
Media Research Center

5 Fruitcake Feminist Phenomena the Press Promulgates

Woe unto clean-shaven slut shamers!
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Carmon Asks Miss Piggy: ‘Are You Pro-Choice?’

Miss Piggy is a pro.  
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: Using ‘Women’ in Abortion Language ‘Excludes Trans Men’

Really. Someone said that. On TV.
Media Research Center

Natalie Portman to Star in Ruth Bader Ginsburg Feminist Biopic

Hollywood’s mushy take on liberal icons is just plain embarrassing …
Media Research Center

The Horror: Jessica Valenti Terrorized on Subway by ‘Passively Sexist’ Twitter Feed

Nosy feminist + mass transit Twitter use = ‘Dumbest tweet of the year.’  
Media Research Center

Today Anchor to Paul’s Wife: Did you Teach Rand How to Talk to Women Better?

Bruised flowers at NBC want Kelley Paul to make Rand play nice.
Media Research Center

HuffPo: These Empty Feminist Gestures are ‘Changing the World’

Another case of liberals patting each other on the back for all the good they think they do.
Media Research Center

Rolling Stone Crumbles

Rolling Stone told a horrific tale of gang rape at the University of Virginia. It took time for the facts to catch up to Rolling Stone, but when they did, they were devastating.
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