9/25/2008 2:29 AM ET
Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former 'spouse' was Fannie Mae executive.
7/17/2008 9:44 AM ET
NBC says economy is keeping marriages together; ABC says it's splitting them up.
7/15/2008 4:02 PM ET
ABC and CBS play up run on the bank, warning of more closings.
6/11/2008 4:35 PM ET
Extreme borrower scenarios on 'Good Morning America' paint picture of credit card users struggling 'to make ends meet.'
5/29/2008 2:26 AM ET
News reports depict economy far worse now
than during the 1929 stock market crash
5/14/2008 3:02 PM ET
Reports of stronger economy get spun as negative.
3/31/2008 3:48 PM ET
Democratic New York senator tells CNBC's Erin Burnett that Paulson's plan is 'a good foundation.'
3/18/2008 2:24 PM ET
'Early Show's' Maggie Rodriguez proposes a 'cram session' to Treasury Secretary to figure out a Bear Stearns-like bailout for 'agencies involved.'
3/18/2008 12:41 PM ET
ABC correspondent Terry Moran ignores lost jobs and money lost by shareholders in assessment the free market didn't work, 'government did.'
3/17/2008 10:17 AM ET
NBC co-host makes Great Depression comparison while CNBC contributors caution against panic.