First Family

Media Research Center

Networks Continue Hyping Resigned GOP Staffer After ‘Snarky Posting’ About First Daughters

On Monday night, the “big three” of ABC, CBS and NBC each spent portions of their evening newscasts reporting on the resignation of a House Republican staffer after she criticized Sasha and Malia ...
Media Research Center

CBS: No Time for Latest on ObamaCare and VA, But Hypes Malia’s Birthday

On Thursday, all three broadcast news networks continued to ignore the latest outrage over ObamaCare and the Veterans Affairs scandal. Instead, CBS This Morning chose to file a 3 minute and 26 ...
Media Research Center

Forget All the Problems with ObamaCare, There's a New White House Dog!

Rather than focus on the myriad of problems plaguing the implementation of ObamaCare, on Tuesday, all three network morning shows instead provided coverage of the First Family getting a second ...
Media Research Center

NBC Provides Gauzy Puff Piece on First Family, Obama's 'Strongest Base of Support'

On Wednesday's NBC Today, correspondent Andrea Mitchell provided a gushing profile of the First Family winning four more years in the White House: "Obama's family is key to his success....Like ...
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