
Trains? Yes! Planes and Automobiles? No! says Parade Magazine

Magazine thinks faulty government-run train system is solution to government-run transportation woes.

ABC 'World News' Beats Up on Airline Industry

Airlines hassled for showing best profits across the board 'since before 9/11.'

'GMA' Celebrates Anniversary Bragging about Carbon-Belching Travels

Supposedly environmentally-conscious crew fails to realize the enormous hypocrisy of the carbon footprint they left behind.

To Talk about Carbon Footprint, ABC Crew Flies Cross-Country

'World News' anchor promotes costly green lifestyle, but ignores hypocrisy of jet-set report.

Two Shows Shift Focus from Airlines to Government's Problems with Air Travel

CNN and ABC cite problems with FAA on reports that they will enforce new guidelines.

NBC's Vieira Wants CEO to Guarantee No More Flights Will Be Cancelled

'Today' host criticizes Northwest leader's management and pay on the way to demanding a personal promise.

CBS Blames Recently Bankrupt Airline for Being Stingy

'Evening News' uses nightmare U.S. Customs delay to chide airlines.

Airline Complaints Down, Network Complaints about Airlines Up

CBS, NBC attack industry for poor performance though travelers do not.

Runway Waits Uncommon Despite Media Hype

USA Today emphasizes two-hour waits, but Associated Press shows chances 1 in 1,000.

ABC's Redeker Complains of Budget Cuts to Amtrak

Reporter leaves out critics of the subsidized system, where taxpayers foot the bill for travelers.
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