
Burnett Ignores Ethanol's Role in Higher Food Prices

CNBC contributor blames 'energy prices and a weak dollar' for food inflation but neglects consequences of federal fuel mandates.

Behar Blames Restaurants for Obesity, Declares People 'Victims' of Eating

'The View' co-host says restaurants, not overeaters, are to blame for obesity.

NBC's Lauer 'On the Prowl for Victims' in Environmental Crusade

'Today' host accosts shoppers at Manhattan grocery store to berate them about using plastic and paper bags.

Bernanke Says No Recession; U.S. Economy Will Show 'Resilience' in Long Term

Fed Chairman tells House Budget Committee a stimulus package could be needed to help the economy in the short-term; food and energy prices should 'decelerate.'

Dumpster Divers Against Bush: 'World News' Showcases Freeganism

ABC goes into peculiar nature of subculture called freeganism, but ignores business side as well as health risks and dangers of the practice.

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

CBS Cites Left-Wing CSPI to Wage Assault on Salt

'Salt trumps fat' in 'Evening News' coverage on the eve of FDA hearings to decide whether salt should be regulated as a food additive.

CBS Reporter Says Massive FDA Expansion Will 'Fix' Everything

Report endorses a $225-million expansion of federal bureaucracy and industry regulations.

Life Expectancy Increasing or Decreasing, Depending on What Day It Is

ABC 'World News' reports Americans living longer, but May 2006 report cited study warning of declining life expectancy.

Networks Still Get High on Gas

ABC, NBC and CBS reports mention price drop only about one-fourth of the time.
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