Ford Foundation

Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood’s Biggest Donors Give $374 Million in Four Years

$324.8 million came from top seven funders including Buffett, Soros, and Gates.
Media Research Center

FCC Cites Groups Funded by Soros, Ford Foundations 206 Times in Internet Rules

 Following ‘extremely bizarre’ decision, agency fails to mention important conservative group.
Media Research Center

Debate Over a Dress Color Gets 3X More Network Attention Than ‘Net Neutrality’ Ruling

Morning news shows especially obsess over Twitter’s “great dress debate” rather than explain FCC Internet regulations.
Media Research Center

FCC Passes Regulations Enabling Government to ‘Micromanage’ Internet

Deep pockets of left-wing foundations helped finance activism on ‘net neutrality.’
Media Research Center

Soros, Ford Foundations ‘Lavish’ $196 Million to Push Internet Regulations

 ‘Net neutrality’ activists at White House also linked to lefty Ford Foundation, Soros’ Open Society.
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