Fox Business

Media Research Center

FBN’s Melissa Francis: ‘I Was Silenced’ When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare

During her Fox Business Network (FBN) show on Friday afternoon, Melissa Francis told viewers that she “was silenced” by executives at CNBC when worked there after she criticized ObamaCare on-air ...
Media Research Center

PBS Promotes Obama’s Claim Economy Is Improved ‘By Every Economic Measure’; Lou Dobbs Proves Otherwise

Following President Obama’s speech on the economy on Thursday, the PBS NewsHour offered a 48-second news brief on the subject, in which co-anchor Gwen Ifill offered no opposing viewpoint to the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Refuse to Mention Latest Fast and Furious Development

On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks ignored the latest news from the Fast and Furious scandal as a federal judge ruled that the Department of Justice (DOJ) must turn over a list of ...

NY Times' Paul Krugman uses Bogus Stats to Bash Fox Business

Nobel-winning economist insists cable business channel upstart isn't necessarily good for investors, based on liberal myths about Fox News.
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