Fox News

Media Research Center

Media Critic: Fox News 'Far Better Watchdog' on Obama Than 'Any Other' TV News Outlet

In a Tuesday article, Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik examined the reason behind Fox News beating every other TV news outlet in the ratings – including NBC, ABC and CBS – during November ...
Media Research Center

Krauthammer: Obama Counted On 'Minions in the Press' to Help Cover Up Gruber Scandal

Appearing on Fox News's Special Report Monday, columnist Charles Krauthammer suggested that the reason President Obama waited a week to comment on the Jonathan Gruber ObamaCare scandal was because ...
Media Research Center

ABC’s World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News Remain Silent on Gruber

On Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir and NBC Nightly News continued to ignore the news surrounding videos unearthed of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber praising “lack of ...
Media Research Center

Bernie Goldberg: Only Way to Stop Media Bias is for Slanted Reporters to Be 'Publicly Fired'

Appearing on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor Tuesday night, media analyst Bernard Goldberg praised reporter Sharyl Attkisson for calling out the liberal bias of her former employer, CBS News, in her ...
Media Research Center

O'Reilly Cites 'Stunning' MRC Study on Nets Ignoring Midterms; Carville Tries to Dismiss It

On his Fox News show Thursday night, host Bill O'Reilly cited the Media Research Center study on the network evening newscasts censoring coverage of the 2014 midterms: "Eight years ago, the ...
Media Research Center

Houston Attacks Religious Freedom Of Pastors; Networks Unconcerned

ABC, CBS and NBC uncover male strippers movie and ‘Hunks and Hounds’ calendar, but not mayor’s anti-Christian jihad.
Media Research Center

Obamacare Poised to Cause Insurance Cancellations, Networks Silent

250,000 policies to be cancelled in Virginia alone, despite president’s promise that ‘If you like’ it, ‘you can keep it.’
Media Research Center

On Hannity, Imams Deny ISIS's War Crimes, Islamic Faith of Beheading Suspect

On Fox News's Hannity on Monday, Islamist cleric Anjem Choudary accused the Western media and Blackwater of framing ISIS for the atrocities that the terrorist group has freely admitted to. When ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Brian Stelter Hints Liberal Anthony Weiner is Non-Partisan

On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN's Brian Stelter touted a disgraced former representative as a non-partisan pundit and as an expert on media bias: "Now, I could bring in two partisan commentators ...
Media Research Center

‘Lord Of The Rings’ Star: Right-Wing News ‘Appallingly Shallow And Manipulative’

Fox News is so terrible it’s ‘like a horror movie.’
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