
The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers

Precious metal sponsors of conservative-leaning TV and radio programming are facing increased scrutiny from media and liberal politicians.

CNN Parrots Dems on Republicans and Economy

Cable network promotes negative economic news; wrongly accuses GOP of avoiding the issue.

"Faltering" Fred Lashes Out at Huckabee (and the NYT)

Fred Thompson: "You can tell that the news is good coming out of Iraq because you read so little about it in The New York Times."

At Least Conservative Thompson "Less Doctrinaire" Than Reagan

Eighteen "conservative" labels in a story on the emerging Thompson campaign.

A Campaign 2008 Portent? Negativity and Unbalanced Labeling

Balance, NYT style: The GOP is trying to appeal to "conservatives," while Democrat John Edwards is free to cite the "imposing historical figure" of Bobby Kennedy without being called a liberal.

Fred Thompson's "Trophy Wife"

Susan Saulny answers the question no one is asking: "Is America ready for a president with a trophy wife? The question may seem sexist, even crass, but serious people - as well as Mr. Thompson's ...
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