5/19/2008 1:34 PM ET
Segment about Cuban circus romanticizes life under authoritarian socialist rule.
5/1/2008 2:50 PM ET
'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.
9/26/2007 4:02 PM ET
For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests
9/13/2007 12:00 AM ET
TV host expresses disdain for flag-waving American patriots.
5/16/2007 2:20 PM ET
Despite his threat to American business interests, Hugo Chavez is still the 'friendly' darling of the network news.
1/29/2007 12:28 PM ET
Documentary highlights the man and his ideas that changed the world.
9/6/2006 4:19 PM ET
Each American owes a debt to those who have given their lives for us. In a time where common ground seems scarce in America, it's up to us to live lives worthy of those sacrifices.
12/13/2004 9:58 PM ET
Big Media Continue Skewing Obesity Debate (May-October 2004)