
Rising Gas Prices Linked to Obama Drilling Ban in Just 1% of Evening News Stories

Since BP spill, anti-oil policy has been cited in only 3 network gasoline price reports.

Krugman Chastises 'Right' for Not Taking Wind Energy Seriously

Liberal NY Times columnist blasts McCain's drilling proposal on MSNBC's 'Countdown' and calls wind a better alternative than nuclear.

'Evening News' Blames Corn Prices on Floods, not Ethanol

CBS segment reports government estimates for this year's corn crop will be 10 percent lower than last year, but fails to mention effects of fuel subsidies on prices.

NBC Blames 'Speculators' for Higher Commodity Prices

'Nightly News' segment ignores vital function futures markets serve in free-market economy.

CNN Reporter Tries to Explain Oil and Gas Prices

While predicting higher gas prices, 'American Morning's' Ali Velshi confuses viewers who might not know that gasoline and crude oil are separate - and different - markets.
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