After a Muslim officer killed a dozen soldiers at Fort Hood, the New York Times editorialized "it will be important to avoid drawing prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an ...
On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric used the Tucson shooting to go after gun ownership: "As we reported, Jared Loughner purchased his gun legally....Saturday's attack is now putting ...
During MSNBC's live coverage immediately following Saturday's attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), correspondent Luke Russert theorized that the shooting was probably a ...
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell continued her crusade against Sarah Palin on Tuesday, reiterating the fallacious contention that the former Alaska governor is at least partly responsible for the shooting ...
After a radical Muslim Army officer killed a dozen soldiers in Texas, the Times editorialized "it will be important to avoid drawing prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an ...
On Tuesday's Early Show, correspondent Ben Tracy acknowledged that the facts in the Tuscon shooting do not support media spin that the tragedy was incited by right-wing political rhetoric: ...
According to Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos, there's "no evidence" that the Arizona shooter was motivated by political ideology. But, that didn't stop the ABC host from speculating ...
Reporter Matt Bai: "...the problem would seem to rest with the political leaders who pander to the margins of the margins....Consider the comments of Sharron Angle, the Tea Party favorite who ...
The Times twice cites Arizona's "fierce" devotion to guns and questions the "passionate gun culture in Arizona, which crosses political lines and is notable for its fierceness, even in the West." ...