
Great Minds Think Alike, and So Do Liberal Times Columnists Frank Rich and Charles Blow

Charles Blow on Saturday: "Even the optics must be irritating. A woman (Nancy Pelosi) pushed the health care bill through the House. The bill's most visible and vocal proponents included a gay man ...

Health Insurance: Your Ticket to Eternal Life

Nicholas Kristof unwittingly reveals the secret to immortality in a column pushing for greater access to health care.

NYT's Main Economic Writer Reverses Himself on Obama's Tax-Cut Pledge for Earners Under $250K

David Leonhardt, who supported Obama's pledge to cut taxes for those making under $250,000 in the name of fighting "inequality," today admits your taxes will have to go up "however much you make."

Things Blamed on 'Climate Change,' Item #457

"Climate change" alarmism in a Home & Garden section story by Kate Murphy: "Extreme weather possibly linked to climate change, as well as construction on less stable ground, have provoked ...

Roger Cohen Wants Gov. Health Care: 'It Would Involve 300 million People Linking Arms'

Columnist Roger Cohen: "The public option, not dead, would amount to recognition of shared interest in each other's health and of the need to use America's energies and resources better. It would ...

Zernike Smear Victim Calls for Her Firing, Retraction From NY Times

Young conservative author Jason Mattera responds to reporter Kate Zernike's smear of his CPAC speech as an appeal to "racial stereotypes."

Surprise: Times Finds Racial Stereotyping at Conservative Convention

Don't mimic Chris Rock at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or Kate Zernike will suggest you're using racial stereotypes.

NYT AWOL on Latest 'Climate Change' Revelations

Notorious climate scientist Phil Jones confessed that world temperatures could well have been warmer in the past than they are today, and also admitted there has been no statistically significant ...

The NY Times Goes AWOL on Latest 'Climate Change' Revelations

Notorious climate scientist Phil Jones recently confessed there has been no global warming since 1995. The Times has skipped that revelation, instead featuring columnist Thomas Friedman renaming ...

Anti-Welfare Reform Reporter Jason DeParle's 2nd Victory Lap: Food Stamp 'Stigma' Still Fading!

In 1996, reporter Jason DeParle accused Clinton of signing a welfare reform bill that "begrudges poor infants their Pampers" and predicted an epidemic of child abuse, abortion, prostitution and ...
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