
Danger! Danger! Alessandra Stanley Attempts a Simile

"And like the Sci Fi series, Mr. McCain, with occasional puckishness, can tap in to voters' darkest fears of terrorist aggression and apocalyptic doom."

McCain Gaffe Machine Running Smoothly: Obama's Is Never Switched On

Not a word in the Times about Obama's "58 states" or confusing movies with reality at Mt. Rushmore.

The "Credible" "Innocents" of Guantanamo Bay? Former Inmate Becomes Suicide Bomber

While Nicholas Kristof fretted over the abuse of innocent prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, a colleague revealed that a released inmate was a bomber tied to suicide attacks in Mosul.

Has Obama Really Overcome His Wright Problem? NYT Says Sure

But a new USA Today/Gallup poll found the opposite to be true: "One-third of likely voters say Obama's ties to Wright make them less likely to vote for him."

Joe Lieberman's "Lurch to the Right"?

A strangely hostile John Broder claims Lieberman "could become the first person to lose the vice presidency on both major party tickets."

Times Focuses on Sen. Jay Rockefeller's Apology, Not His Offensive Comments

Democratic Senator and Obama endorser on John McCain, heartless killer: "McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What ...

U.S. Reaction After 9-11 Betrayed "Spirit of Openness"

Silly politics on the cover of the Times Book Review: "...lifelong citizens under suspicion for having foreign-sounding names...."

Bloggers: Fat, Stressed Sweat-Shop Boys

From Sunday's front page: "They work long hours, often to exhaustion. Many are paid by the piece - not garments, but blog posts. This is the digital-era sweatshop....some are starting to wonder if ...

OK, What Have They Done With the Real Howard Dean?

"Democrats' Turmoil Tests Party's Low-Key Leader" - Headline to April 2 story on Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard "I Have a Scream" Dean.

The Times Finds Yet Another "Widening Gap" - Life Expectancy

Only the Times could spin an increase in life expectancy as a disturbing trend: "Life expectancy for the nation as a whole has increased, the researchers said, but affluent people have experienced ...
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