7/10/2013 1:21 PM ET
Gardasil vaccine prevents STD infection, but correlates with
8/28/2008 12:00 AM ET
Nets, newspapers were also promoting Gardasil before the side effects were known.
8/27/2008 3:59 PM ET
Two years after broadcast networks, newspapers heralded Gardasil 'breakthrough,' Merck under attack for marketing its product.
8/21/2008 12:00 AM ET
Network finally covers the negative side of the cervical cancer vaccine story.
8/13/2008 12:00 AM ET
Concerns over serious side effects prompts CDC to review the vaccine's safety.
7/7/2008 12:00 AM ET
Should the government force sixth grade girls to risk death to protect them against a sexually transmitted disease?
4/20/2007 12:00 AM ET
If lawmakers really want to fight cancer with HPV vaccinations, they would mandate it for older girls, not pre-teens going into sixth grade.
3/14/2007 3:47 PM ET
Networks Downplay Drug Costs, Treat Medicine as Entitlement