
Times Celebrates Social Media Outcry That Would Soon Force Komen to Capitulate

Friday's lead story celebrated the social media outcry among "the growing number of people online, mostly women, who decried what they view as the politicization of women's health care," which ...

NYT Sides With 'Health Provider' Planned Parenthood in 'Partisan' Komen Funding Cut-Off

Reporters Gardiner Harris and Pam Belluck claim that "Only a small percentage of Planned Parenthood's expenditures go toward abortion services." Yet the Times also admitted PP was "the nation's ...

'Conservatives' vs. 'Women's Rights Communities' on the Morning-After Pill

Labeling slant in a story on Obama blocking sale of the morning-after pill to girls under 17: "...with conservative and anti-abortion groups opposed and public health and women's rights groups in ...

To the Rescue! 'Obama Tries to Speed Response To Shortages in Vital Medicines'

"...Mr. Obama's order and others he has issued recently reflect his belief in the power of government to improve people's lives. By contrast, top Republican legislators and presidential candidates ...

Now They Tell Us: Pro-Obama-Care Study By 'Wonderful' Group Now Seen As Dangerously Faulty By NYT

A study advocating cost-cutting of "wasteful" health-care spending, hailed by New York Times reporters for over two years, is revealed as grievously flawed: "The mistaken belief that the Dartmouth ...

Now They Tell Us: Obama-Care Cost-Cutting Study From Formerly 'Wonderful' Group Now Seen As Dangerously Faulty

A study advocating cost-cutting of "wasteful" health-care spending, hailed by Times reporters for two years, is revealed as grievously flawed: "The mistaken belief that the Dartmouth research ...

A Tale of Two States: Socialist Hawaii vs. Conservative Utah on Health

Times reporters embrace Hawaii's socialist universal health scheme ("Lawmakers working on a national health care fix have much to learn from the past 35 years in Hawaii") but dislike Utah's ...

Barack Obama, Saving Science from the Bush Dark Ages

In Times world, that apparently means acceding to any left-wing "scientific" recommendation on stem cells, global warming, and sex education.

Sowing Front-Page Suspicions of Big Pharma

Is the drug industry the Times' next target? Front-page stories on consecutive days suggest so.
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