11/2/2012 8:19 AM ET
Journalists continue to make predictions about gas prices despite being consistently wrong.
10/3/2012 9:24 AM ET
Activists chained to trees shutdown work in a weak economy; broadcast news turns a blind eye.
6/15/2012 2:26 PM ET
New Generation of Ewings pits wildcatter John Ross against ‘alternatives are the future’ Christopher.
6/15/2012 9:58 AM ET
In ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ episode, murderous villain kills to cover up his ‘illegal’ drilling for natural gas.
1/9/2012 7:00 PM ET
Only CBS reports GM's sneaky campaign to fix media hyped electric car.
11/17/2011 10:09 PM ET
Media spin high prices and largely ignore warnings of $4.50 a gallon in 2012.
11/17/2011 4:58 PM ET
Meanwhile, per gallon prices still 60 cents higher than last year, $1.56 higher than when Obama took office.
11/3/2011 7:54 PM ET
Lefty media outlets attack Keystone XL project with climate alarmism, 'absurd' economic claims.
6/29/2011 7:05 PM ET
CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.
6/9/2011 7:53 PM ET
Time for media, Obama and Congress to wake up and smell the gloom and doom.