
CBS Early Show Hits Obama From Left on Gay Rights March

On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared: "Washington's largest gay rights rally in a decade puts pressure on President Obama." Co-host Harry Smith later introduced the story: ...

Networks Ignore Push for Repeal of DOMA

ABC, CBS and NBC continue pattern of whitewashing gay issues.

Editor: Mag Readers Aren't Liberal, Just Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Gay, and Pro-Social Spending

Times Magazine editor Gerald Marzorati says his magazine isn't necessarily on the left, but "reflects a place where women have professional ambition, where immigrants are welcome, and where gay ...

On 'Bruno,' MSNBC Gets the Message

'Morning Meeting' promotes controversial movie.

After They Criticize Obama, CBS Calls Gay Groups 'Far Left'

Now that gay activists are unhappy with Barack Obama for his policies on federal benefits for same-sex couples, CBS has dusted off the "far left" label. Co-host Harry Smith on Thursday: "President ...

Politico: Obama 'Out of Step' with Pro-Gay Rights Sentiment

Politico skews report on the president and same-sex marriage.

NYT's Idea of "The Best News" - Gay Commitments

Students attending their Harlem teacher's "gay commitment" ceremony is worth a big profile by reporter Susan Dominus. Plus: Seventh-grade "homophobes"?

The Times Finally Finds a "Furor" Around an Obama Pastor

Not the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but the anti-gay marriage Rev. Rick Warren.

The Overly Mysterious "Muxes" of Mexico

Meet the Muxes, a mysterious "third category" of person with "special intellectual and artistic gifts"...or maybe just a bunch of transvestities in Mexico?

Jesse Helms' "Hard-Edged Conservatism" Opposed to Everything Good

No love for the "right-wing" senator from North Carolina: "Jesse Helms...whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign ...
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