
California Teacher Tells Kindergarteners "More Than Two Genders"

Oakland elementary school indoctrinates students with 2-day gender-bending program

J.CREW Pushes Transgendered Child Propaganda

Women's clothing company highlights pink nail-polish wearing boy in promotional email

Build-a-Baby: ABC Promotes Designer Baby Services

Web report highlights latest in customized offspring trend: looks-based eugenics.

ABC: Courts, not Chromosomes, Now Define Sex

Barbara Walters ignores biology while insisting the pregnant man is truly a man. After all, the state of Oregon says so.

CNBC Touts Gay Marriage as California's Economic Savior

'Squawk on the Street' segment praises court decision for potential of miniscule financial impact on ailing state.

How the Media Stir the Brew of Identity Group Politics

By focusing on race, class and gender voting, journalists are driving us apart, not bringing us together.

Media Stack the Deck for McCain and Obama on Culture Issues

Journalists give their favorite candidates a pass when they play race, religion or gender cards, but jump on the rest.

NBC Painfully Faces an Inconvenient Truth: Men and Women are Different

In a series on distinctions between the sexes, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams demonstrates how facts can be controversial to the liberal mind.

CNN Parrots Press Release on Pay Gap Study

'In the Money' highlights call for more business regulation, but admits women's salary negotiations play a role.
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