
On Ground Zero Mosque, George Stephanopoulos Keeps Focus on Republicans: Will They 'Undercut' Obama's Outreach?

George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday again focused on GOP reaction to the Ground Zero mosque, challenging Karl Rove as to whether Republicans such as Newt Gingrich will "undercut the work" President ...

Ex-Dem Aide Stephanopoulos and Ex-Dem Congressman Discuss Impact NY Mosque Will Have on Democrats

Rather than focus on the rightness of building a mosque near Ground Zero, or investigating the potential funding of the construction, Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday spent ...

ABC's Stephanopoulos Highlights Two Conservative News Agenda Items, Briefly

ABC News producers on Thursday night managed to sneak, into the script read by World News fill-in anchor George Stephanopoulos ' ever so briefly ' two news items from a conservative news agenda ...

George Stephanopoulos Touts Obama's Liberal Achievements: 'What More Could the President Have Done?'

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday interviewed liberal Congressman Dennis Kucinich and defended Barack Obama's left-wing achievements. Stephanopoulos touted, "Congressman, ...

ABC and NBC Refuse to Identify Corrupt Rostenkowski as a Democrat

Dan Rostenkowski (?-Ill), 1928-2010. Reporting the passing of Dan Rostenkowski, the ABC and NBC anchors on Wednesday night noted his ignominious departure from public life while also including a ...

ABC's George Stephanopoulos Hits Michelle Malkin with White House Spin on Democratic Corruption

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin made a rare appearance on Wednesday's Good Morning America and highlighted the issue of Democratic corruption. Co-host George Stephanopoulos responded to ...

Duplicitous ABC Advances Obama's Big Spending College Graduation Agenda

ABC on Monday night delivered an even shoddier than usual piece of advocacy for President Barack Obama in the guise of a news story, duplicity which started with fill-in anchor George ...

ABC's Cokie Roberts Defends Michelle Obama's Spanish Vacation: 'What Real Difference Does It Make?'

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos and Cokie Roberts on Monday downplayed the potential bad PR Michelle Obama might suffer for taking a Spanish vacation costing $250,000. Roberts ...

No Balance on ABC: Network Features Liberals When Prop 8 Was Passed and a Liberal When It's Overturned

On Thursday's Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos sought out the reaction of liberal Slate correspondent Dahlia Lithwick to discuss Proposition 8. No conservative guest appeared in ...
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