
NYT Finally Asks: Why Isn't the GOP Benefiting from the Strong Economy?

Eduardo Porter asks the question but misses one of the obvious answers: Media bias, including the slant of his own paper.

Frank Rich Does Oprah

Rich promotes "The Greatest Story Ever Sold," a distillation of years of columns excorating Bush's untruths on Iraq.

Unemployment Rate Falls, But Times Is Still Pushing Pessimism

Describing a September in which the unemployment rate fell: "For American workers, the job market is starting to look a lot less inviting."

"The Ethicist" Links Mark Foley to Bush's "Profound Assault...on Democracy Itself"

Columnist Randy Cohen, on CNN to talk about Foley: "...this, it seems to me, is a part of a larger pattern of the administration's habit of secrecy, of cover-ups. We see other example in Bob ...

Theatre Critic Rounds up the Usual Cliches: Bush as Nixon, Iraq as Vietnam

"...according to some analysts, George W. Bush has presided over the biggest power grab by the executive branch in American history."

Fervid Friedman: "It Is So Important that the Republicans Lose"

Friedman: "For the sake of the country, I really hope the Republicans lose the House and the Senate to the Democrats - by one seat in each chamber."

More Front-Page Focus on "Stagnant Incomes" Under Bush

A piece on rising housing costs leads by lamenting "the crushing combination of escalating real estate prices and largely stagnant incomes."

Times Book Critic Loves Bob Woodward's Newest

Michiko Kakutani: "In Bob Woodward's highly anticipated new book, 'State of Denial,' President Bush emerges as a passive, impatient, sophomoric and intellectually incurious leader, presiding over ...

"Some Say Bush Is Politicizing Terrorism"

And some say the Times wants very badly for the Democrats to take back the House and Senate.

Bill Keller "Pissed Off" by "Disgraceful" White House

The Times' executive editor accuses the Bush White House of stirring up a "partisan hatefest" against the paper over its revelation of an anti-terrorist program that monitored international ...
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