
America the Generous? Not According to the Media

Report highlights generosity of Americans, while media portray America as a nation of Scrooges. Article Worries 'U.S., European Media' 'Worlds Apart' on Climate Change

Writer laments American media's 'balanced reporting,' despite their huge bias towards climate alarmism.

CNN Spreads Cell Phone Alarmism, Calls WHO Review 'Rather Conclusive'

While other outlets urged caution about report, CNN anchor prepares to change her behavior.

WaPo's Ezra Klein: More Charitable to Give to Policy Think Tanks than Food Banks

Columnist attempts to 'politicize' charity, suggesting government can do more good than traditional charities.

Shocker: Obama Budget Proposal Likely to Decrease Charitable Contribution by Billions

Varney and charity expert ponder reasonging and implications of lower deductions for giving.

Networks Promote Season of Giving

Broadcast networks encourage charity during November.

Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...

NPR Highlights Charitable Giving During Downturn

Even with financial crisis people keep giving to others in need.

Confirmed: Faithful Folk are More Generous

Research supports CMI study finding that religious people are more likely than secular people to give of their money and time.

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests
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