
Media Research Center

Top UN Climate Official Resigns After Sexual Harassment Claims, Networks Silent

Rajendra Pachauri leaves IPCC chairmanship after an employee accuses him of ‘unwanted’ communications.
Media Research Center

Flashback: After 2012 NOAA Claim, CBS Warned Glaciers Could Melt in 10 Years

Accepting ‘Hottest Month’ Claim, broadcast networks used it to push global warming alarmism.

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

'Good Morning America' Gives Only Fraction of ANWR Caribou Story

Show's weatherman warns oil exploration could endanger wildlife, though proposals for drilling would impact only 1/100th of 1 percent of the total refuge.

'Nightly News' Gives One Side of Antarctica Ice Changes

NBC environmental reporter points finger at man for landscape changes; doesn't acknowledge any other possible factors or science.

'GMA': It's All about Saving the Global Warming Mascot - The Polar Bears

Despite reports of a thriving polar bear population, 'Good Morning America' global warming alarmist warns of 'loss of the homeland for polar bears.'

Oklahoma Senator Spars with CNN's Miles O'Brien in Interview

Senator cited media bias and O'Brien's own hype about a new ice age just 12 years earlier.

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming.
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