Global Warming

CNN: Hurricane Prediction Upswing Not Because of Global Warming

Segment followed with Gore; 'American Morning' anchor Kiran Chetry suggests hurricane would cure Florida's drought woes.

Fortune: American Business 'Respectable' Again Because of Liberal Choices

Magazine declares the era of 'shamed' business is over, thanks to companies going green and endorsing nationalized health care.

Time's 100 'Most Influential' Loaded with Little Green Men (and Women)

Eco-tastic celebs, politicians and even CEOs make the magazine's list.

Notable Quotables - 04/23/2007

Notable Quotables - 04/09/2007

Notable Quotables - 02/12/2007

In Midst of Scorching Heat Wave, CBS Proclaims Global Warming Debate Over

Reporter relies on one climatologist who says pollution delayed global warming in '70s - but back then, scientists warned of catastrophic global cooling.

CBS Serves Whine with Global Warming

Reporter Blackstone excludes scientists who are skeptical of new study forecasting doom for Napa Valley.

AP's '100 Scientists' Should Be Called '19 Gore Supporters'

Article fails to acknowledge previous links between fans and Gore, calls movie's errors "tiny."
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