
NYT's Coverage of 'Sweeping Exoneration' of Climategate Scientist Actually Better Than Expected

Justin Gillis improves on his last article on the "exoneration" of a Climategate scientist, explaining how the latest slanted report nonetheless found global warming's infamous "hockey stick" ...

Nye Delighted About Exoneration From ClimateGate 'Sham'; Calls Skeptics 'Irrational'

Famed 'Science Guy' and global warming alarmist says scandal was based on out-of-context twisted phrases; Lomborg still questions credibility.

Academics Close Ranks Around 'Climategate,' NYT Goes Along

What reporter Justin Gillis thinks about Climategate: "An American scientist accused of manipulating research findings on climate science was cleared of that charge by his university on Thursday, ...

White House Correspondents Chief Jumps to Left-Wing Group - One Outside of Journalism, That Is

The current President of the White House Correspondents' Association, Ed Chen, is leaving Bloomberg News to lend his liberal advocacy to the left-wing Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). ...

Left on the Cutting Room Floor: Climate Depot's Marc Morano Takes on ABC News' Dan Harris

'World News' segment cut skeptic interview from 11 minute to just 10 seconds, then links it with white supremacists.

The Times Follows the Aftermath of Climate-Gate in Britain

Reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal's front-page fret: "Last month hundreds of environmental activists crammed into an auditorium here to ponder an anguished question: If the scientific consensus on ...

Debunking the Myth: There is No Biblical Basis for Global Warming Alarmism Says Theologian

Cornwall Alliance expert explains that the Christian desire to help the poor is often exploited by global warming alarmists.

British Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as 'Important' as Winning World Wars

U.K. Telegraph journalist credited for coining the term 'ClimateGate' maintains manmade warming debate a fight for 'liberty.'

ClimateDepot's Morano on Mann Lawsuit: 'This Just Goes to Show You How the Mighty Have Fallen'

Executive editor of climate change website explains why suit against spoof of Penn State climate scientist is without merit.

ABC Offers Serious Look at Global Warming Skeptics, But Downplays ClimateGate

ABC's Nightline on Thursday provided a welcome look at the significant number of meteorologists in America who are skeptical of man-made global warming. Instead of simply dismissing their views, ...
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