
Media Research Center

The Blacklist: The Alchemist

The Blacklist: moles, gender roles, and less gruesome, grisly scenes.

Reuters.com Article Worries 'U.S., European Media' 'Worlds Apart' on Climate Change

Writer laments American media's 'balanced reporting,' despite their huge bias towards climate alarmism.

Science Fiction

5 Years After: Networks Celebrate Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth,' Ignore Scientific Flaws, Criticism

Executive Summary: Science Fiction

5 Years After: Networks Celebrate Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth,' Ignore Scientific Flaws, Criticism

Al Gore: 'The United States Government as a Whole Has Failed Us' on Global Warming

Former vice president, now climate alarmism activist, bemoans the inability of the Senate to pass cap-and-trade legislation.

YouTube Gives Gore an Earthday Megaphone

Google site helps former VP spread warming propaganda.

Gore to Children: Question Your Parents' Climate Beliefs as We Questioned Segregation

Audio aired on Glenn Beck's radio program has media-darling telling kids, 'there are some things about our world that you know that older people don't know.'

Coal State Gov. Sides with Obama on 'Bankrupting' Industry

Democratic state executive defends presidential hopeful's promise to destroy industry.

ABC, NBC Claim Link between Iowa Floods and Global Warming

Networks cite NOAA scientist making flood and climate change connection, although he's been making those claims for 13 years.
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