Gosnell Movie
3/18/2015 10:33 AM ET
The latest milestone for a film telling what the media
12/4/2014 3:49 PM ET
Indiegogo selects film for reopening indefinitely.
5/16/2014 9:40 AM ET
Ingratitude for media that tried to protect the abortion industry.
5/9/2014 10:16 AM ET
Crowd-funded film reaches $2.1M; new goal is 30K donors.
5/1/2014 9:12 AM ET
‘You stink at censorship!’
4/28/2014 6:08 AM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC show bias in ‘crowdfunding’ reports.
4/2/2014 11:19 AM ET
Kirsten Powers discusses Gosnell movie fundraising double