
NYT Already Pushing 'Entrapment' Defense in Case of Islamic Would-Be Christmas Tree Bomber

The Times is already pushing the "entrapment" defense in the case of the Portland Christmas-tree bomber, sympathizing with local Muslims in opposition to the anti-terror investigation. And after ...

NBC Names Ground Zero Mosque Developer a 'Person of the Year'

Network says Sharif el-Gamal will sit down for Matt Lauer interview.

Maher: 'I'm Against a Church Anywhere'

Comedian says churches, synagogues, temples shouldn't be built to 'retell nonsense stories,' worship 'imaginary friend.'

Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer Unanimous in First CNN Appearance

CNN offered a sneak preview of their upcoming Parker-Spitzer program on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 with the new hosts, pseudo-conservative Kathleen Parker and "Client Number Nine" Eliot ...

Rick Sanchez to Pataki: Did Your Opposition to Mosque Lead to Koran Burning?

On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez tried to connect the overwhelming opposition to the planned Ground Zero mosque to a Florida pastor's "Burn a Koran Day" event. Sanchez asked former ...

Arianna Huffington Likens Mosque Opponents to Koran-Burning Pastor

Snatching the proverbial low-hanging fruit off the branch, Arianna Huffington compared the vast majority of Americans who oppose the construction of a mosque close to Ground Zero to the thirty ...

CNN's Feyerick Promotes Ground Zero Mosque Imam

CNN's Deborah Feyerick played up Imam Feisal Rauf's apparent credentials as a "moderate" Muslim during a report on Wednesday's American Morning. Feyerick omitted using sound bites from Rauf's ...

Opposition to Mosque Now Like Burning Witches, Interning Japanese-Americans: Kristof

Columnist Nicholas Kristof takes his paranoia all the way: "Screeds against Catholics from the 19th century sounded just like the invective today against the Not-at-Ground-Zero Mosque....we should ...

Laurie Goodstein on Clergy Fighting 'Outright Bigotry' of Anti-Mosque Sentiment

Don't call it a mosque: "Proposed Islamic community center" leading to anti-Muslim bigotry, says Laurie Goodstein: "The clergy members said that those responsible for a poisoned climate included ...

Hometown Heartbreak: Mosque Opposition Spreads to Formerly Sophisticated New York City, Laments NY Times

After spending a month assuring readers that most sophisticated New Yorkers are just fine with building a mosque near Ground Zero, the New York Times conducts its own poll and finds New Yorkers ...
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