5/2/2007 12:25 PM ET
Dow record shows investor confidence, but the media worry over every aspect of the economy.
2/13/2007 12:20 PM ET
Reporters rely on discredited housing bubble storyline, comparison to tech bubble of 1990s.
2/1/2007 5:25 PM ET
ABC's Betsy Stark highlighted applause lines in Bush speech on income gap, CEO pay.
12/6/2006 5:25 PM ET
Compiled by the Business & Media Institute
10/11/2006 3:16 PM ET
How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush
8/31/2006 10:36 AM ET
New data show wage growth at 7 percent after inflation factored out.
6/30/2006 3:20 PM ET
Reporter highlights Cape Cod foreclosure, but leaves out how house is above average in value.
1/25/2006 3:37 PM ET
Networks Emphasize Layoffs In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs
1/25/2006 3:35 PM ET
Networks Emphasize Layoffs In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs