
Econ 101: Betting on the Media or the Market?

Dow record shows investor confidence, but the media worry over every aspect of the economy.

NY Times Insists Economy Isn't as Good as It Appears

Reporters rely on discredited housing bubble storyline, comparison to tech bubble of 1990s.

Networks Ignore President's Defense of Tax Cuts as Key to Economic Growth

ABC's Betsy Stark highlighted applause lines in Bush speech on income gap, CEO pay.

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2006

Compiled by the Business & Media Institute

'Bad News Bears'

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

72 Hours after Mourning Death of Wage Growth, Times Notes Wages Up with GDP Growth

New data show wage growth at 7 percent after inflation factored out.

CBS Upstages Good Economic News with Foreclosure Worries

Reporter highlights Cape Cod foreclosure, but leaves out how house is above average in value.

Hit Job

Networks Emphasize Layoffs In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs

Hit Job: Executive Summary

Networks Emphasize Layoffs In A Year of 2 Million New Jobs
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