CBS's Erica Hill tossed softballs at a survivor of the Tucson shooting and the executive director of a pro-gun control group on Tuesday's Early Show, just hours before they were due to speak at a ...
Mike Hale says HBO documentary "Gun Fight" is "an implicit warning about the dangers of unregulated gun ownership and the power and increasingly apocalyptic tone of Second Amendment ...
The Times' liberal readership rises up in resentment about pictures of handguns for women: "9 accused us of glamorizing violence and guns....4 suggested we were pandering to N.R.A.-member readers...."
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday conducted a softball interview with Michael Bloomberg, touting his new gun control campaign and never once calling the New York mayor a ...
In a pre-taped interview with gun control advocate New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, aired during Wednesday's 1PM ET hour on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell browbeat President Obama for having ...
Gail Collins admitted her proposal might not work, but wants Congress to prove it can defy the National Rifle Association, while Nicholas Kristof calls for a 28-day waiting period before buying a ...
On Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric used the Tucson shooting to go after gun ownership: "As we reported, Jared Loughner purchased his gun legally....Saturday's attack is now putting ...
According to Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Monday, the efforts of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence aren't "anti-gun." The morning show co-host interviewed Colin Goddard, the ...
Tuesday's CBS Evening News tilted against a proposed new gun law that would strengthen the right of gun owners who hold a concealed weapon permit to carry a weapon across state lines into states ...
Ignoring eight years of repugnant leftist attacks on George Bush, columnist Charles Blow wakes up, discovers extremists on the right: "They're apocalyptic. They feel isolated, angry, betrayed and ...