
Michelle Obama, New Jackie O and Sole Savior of the Fashion Industry

Some more of that hard-bitten Times reporting: "Often called the First Lady of Fashion, Mrs. Obama has a sense of style, as we all know by now, that rivals Jackie Kennedy's. She has boosted the ...

NYT Styles Michelle Obama As "U.S. Fashion's One-Woman Bailout"

Can Michelle Obama single-handedly bail out the U.S. fashion industry? We can only hope.

It's (Not) a Man, Baby!

Guy Trebay characterizes common-sense reactions to transgendered "man" Thomas Beatie's infamous pregnancy as a "phobic response" to identity change.

The Times Asks: Is It Safe for Men to Kiss in Public?

Guy Trebay goes on (and on and on) about the Snickers Super Bowl commercial showing two men accidentally kissing: "But for some the commercial left the lingering question of who owns the kiss? How ...
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