In an interview she conducted with left-wing actor Sean Penn at the
Cannes Film Festival that aired on Tuesday, Today co-host Ann Curry
behaved like an adoring fan rather than a journalist: ...
Appearing on Monday's CBS Early Show, actor Sean Penn described ongoing relief efforts in Haiti following January's earthquake and condemned the media for its lack of coverage of the disaster ...
The Times anti-Limbaugh hate-fest on MSNBC: Times contributor John Harwood calls Rush's crack that Obama would use Haiti to appeal to "both [the] light-skinned and dark-skinned black community" ...
Far-left actor Danny Glover, during an online interview this week, proposed global warming caused the devastating earthquake in Haiti: "They're all in peril because of global warming....When we ...
Good Morning America's Claire Shipman on Thursday highlighted Keith Olbermann's slam of Pat Robertson as "the devil" for comments he made about the earthquake in Haiti. Co-host also George ...