11/3/2011 7:54 PM ET
Lefty media outlets attack Keystone XL project with climate alarmism, 'absurd' economic claims.
3/20/2008 9:49 AM ET
Global warming alarmist advocates complete eradication of coal-fired plants 'if humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed.'
8/22/2007 12:08 PM ET
Faulty data abounds in the foundational arguments of climate change zealots.
6/2/2007 5:09 AM ET
But 'World News' segment left out liberal leanings of both scientists, and the reporter.
10/20/2006 2:35 PM ET
Web site advances global warming activism including 'causes' and 'solutions.'
9/26/2006 4:46 PM ET
Global warming skeptics, critics of NASA's Hansen left out in the cold; Hansen's 'political inclinations' lean heavily left.
9/26/2006 8:39 AM ET
Slanting the field 4-to-1, network hyped NASA scientist, dismissed Competitive Enterprise Institute critic.