
Media Research Center

NYT's Gillis, Writing Under False Headline, Rants Against Warming Skeptics With 'Little Scientific Credibility'

An unusual two-column lead headline tried to stir up global warming fears: "Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears." Catchy headline; too bad it's false, according to the Los Angeles ...
Media Research Center

NY Times' Boston Coverage Stumbles Over Soft Headlines and Suspect's 'Jumbled' Politics

Doesn't sound very "jumbled" to us. Columnist Charles Blow insisted that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's "politics seemed jumbled," based on the suspect's Twitter feed: "On Election Day he retweeted a tweet ...
Media Research Center

NYT Headline Over Story on Bombing Suspects: 'Far From War-Torn Homeland, Trying to Fit In'

The Times runs sympathetic-sounding headlines over its Friday profile of the two Chechnya-born suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. First: "Far From War-Torn Homeland, Trying to Fit In." ...
Media Research Center

Headline Duel at NYT: 'Divisions Fester' at CPAC, But Business as Usual at Lefty Netroots Nation

There was nothing but festering distress and especially "division" on the right at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference held last week, at least according to the New York Times. ...
Media Research Center

Another Strange Communism Headline from NYTimes: 'Summoning Halcyon Days of Failed Ideals' in East Germany

Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times once again. Check the headline over Dennis Lim's Sunday Arts & Leisure profileof the director of "Barbara," set in Communist ...
Media Research Center

Another Strange Communism Headline from the NYTimes: 'Summoning Halcyon Days Of Failed Ideals' in East Germany

Dictatorship and double standards invade the New York Times once again. The Times also ran this jaw-dropping headline over a 2008 book review: "East Germany Had Its Charms, Crushed by ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Bad Front-Page Headline Falsely States: '...Most Face Lower Tax Burden Than in the Reagan '80s'

To get people to stop whining about tax increases, a misleading front-page New York Times headline blares: "Complaints Aside, Most Face Lower Tax Burden Than in the Reagan ’80s." So why does the ...
Media Research Center

Seriously? New York Times Calls Wisconsin a 'Republican Haven'

New York Times reporter Monica Davey on Thursday was in Wisconsin playing up the Democratic candidate's Rep. Tammy Baldwin chances in her race for an open Senate seat against Republican Tommy ...
Media Research Center

As Other Outlets See Romney Debate Win, NYT Plays It Neutral: 'Feel of Seminar as Accusations Fly'

The first Obama-Romney presidential debate ran under less-than-informative headlines in the New York Times: "Obama and Romney, in First Debate, Spar Over Fixing the Economy'; "Feel of Seminar as ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Again Runs Bad Headline Calling Netanyahu a Failure

The headline over Isabel Kershner's story on conservative Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's frosty dealings with Barack Obama: 'Israelis Fear Fallout From Netanyahu’s Blunt Comments." Kershner ...
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