
GOP Congressman Calls Nation's vanden Heuvel on Misusing Capitalist Concepts

Rep. Paul Ryan won't let MSNBC get away with using 'free market rhetoric' to promote an anti-market proposal.

Other Than That, the Story Was Accurate

Plus: Savvy Health Care Predictions & More Lies from the Swift Boat Vets

Bill Maher Pushes For ObamaCare; Bashes 'Stupid' U.S.

HBO's Bill Maher, after being asked during a segment on Monday's Situation Room on CNN to explain his recent "soulless vampire bastards" moniker of the current health care system, pushed for ...

Nancy Giles: 'I Could Punch Every Blue Dog Democrat in the Nose'

'Today Talk' talks health care and bashes moderate dems.

Can't Blame Liberal Media for Health Bill Stall

BMI Study: 70 Percent of ABC, CBS and NBC Coverage Promoted Obama's Huge Health Care Takeover

Nets Advance Taxing Big Soda to Pay for ObamaCare

ABC and CBS on Monday night couldn't resist interjecting a plug for imposing a tax on soda to bring in revenue to pay for ObamaCare. ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi asserted "health officials seem to like ...

Bartiromo Warns 'Government is Going to Play God' with Health Care

CNBC host frets over ObamaCare's cost and similarities to U.K. system.

ABC Champions 'Liberal Lion' as Inspiration for Obama Heath Care Takeover

Sunday's World News devoted a full story to Ted Kennedy's cause as Dan Harris' tease framed Kennedy's big government agenda in the most-benign light: "In the game. An ailing Ted Kennedy, now ...

NYT Wonders: Too Much O?

Is the Times getting a little sick of seeing Obama all over the place?
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