
MSNBC: GOP 'Grinches' Stealing Christmas, Being 'Mean' Over ObamaCare

Early in the 1PM ET hour on MSNBC on Tuesday, anchor Norah O'Donnell pressed New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg on Republican efforts to slow down passage of ObamaCare: "You guys are going to ...

Morici Says Health Care Bill, CBO Estimates Based on 'Nefarious' Assumptions

Maryland economist says 'reform' bill will cost 'typical American family' up to $2,000 more for coverage.

CNBC's John Harwood: Liberal Critics of ObamaCare 'Idiotic;' 'On Drugs'

Appearing Monday on MSNBC during the 10AM ET hour, CNBC White House correspondent John Harwood worked to whip up support for the health care bill passed by Senate Democrats while slamming its ...

CBS: Dems 'Tantalizingly Close' On Health Care; Republicans Use 'Stall Tactics'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes excitedly proclaimed that Senate Democrats "are tantalizingly close" to passing a health care bill and derided Republicans for ...

CBS: Obama West Point Speech 'Contradictory;' Health Care Bill 'Incomprehensible'

In an unusually tough interview with President Obama on Sunday's 60 Minutes on CBS, correspondent Steve Kroft described the President's West Point speech as being "greeted with a great deal of ...

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2009

From jobs 'saved or created,' to stimulus saving the economy, to 'deficit neutral' health care reform; here are ten biggest stories the media got wrong this year.

CBS's Smith: Harry Reid 'Very Soberly' Compared GOP to Slavery Supporters

While interviewing Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele on Tuesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith referred to recent comments by Senator Harry Reid: "[He] said Republicans are on the ...

CBS Host Grills GOP Senator On ObamaCare Opposition; Softballs to Democrat

On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez pressed Republican Senator Lamar Alexander on the GOP's opposition to ObamaCare: "...there's been a lot of criticism that Republicans have done ...

CBS Touts Baucus Health Care Bill 'Pays For Itself,' 'Saves Billions'

Following the talking points of the Democratic Party, at the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez declared a win for health care legislation being pushed by Montana Senator ...

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Erupts: 'Republicans Want to See You Dead!'

Enraged over Republican opposition to ObamaCare, on The Ed Show on MSNBC Wednesday, host Ed Schultz screamed at viewers: "The Republicans lie! They want to see you dead! They'd rather make money ...
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