
Abstinence Education: Bias on the Hill and in the Press

Neither the LA Times nor Reuters reported that comprehensive sex education -- condoms and contraceptives -- receives 12 times more funding than no-sex-before-marriage programs.

Ten Years Ago, Subpoenas Drew TV Yawns

When Team Clinton Was Subpoenaed, Reporters Found "Hard-Charging Partisans" Wasting Tax Money

"Another Screwup" or Another Coverup?

Networks That Mention Latest White House Notes Downplay Their Embarrassing Potential

Notable Quotables - 11/17/1997

Molten Metal's Clinton-Gore Connection

Peter Knight's Role Ignored as Evening Shows Focus on Iraq, Morning Shows Suffer from Au Pairalysis

Setting the Agenda for the White House

Senate Hearings Ignored While Networks Follow Clintons' Plans to Increase Government Control

In Tonight's "Both Sides Do It" Update...

House Hearing on Charlie Trie and Lippo, Senate Hearing on Teamsters Almost Completely Ignored

So Much Scandal News, So Little Time

Three Evening Shows Touch on Different Angles, But CBS This Morning Puts Its Head Back in the Sand

Republican Hearings? Partisan Stunt

Whether the Issue is Fundraising or the IRS, Networks Play Up Partisan-Gain Angle If Goal Isn't Liberal
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