Well the verdict is in and it looks like the GOP has been severely damaged by its opposition to Obamacare, well at least that was the conclusion of all the liberal members of The Chris Matthews ...
NBC's Norah O'Donnell, guest hosting for Chris Matthews over the weekend, repeatedly questioned her Chris Matthews Show panelists why there was "So much hate," and "venom," directed at Barack ...
Over the weekend, on his syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, Chris Matthews asked his media panel if Barack Obama was governing as "more clearly a radical like FDR was, or more like a true ...
When it came to the rigged election in Iran, Barack Obama played it cool in his public statements, earning the tacit approval of the Times. But when the Honduran military toppled that country's ...
Chris Matthews, on his syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, wondered if the Mark Sanford scandal will make the GOP a more tolerant party as he asked his panel: "Have Republicans ...
The Times flayed the GOP for saying "Barack Hussein Obama" during the campaign, but celebrates the president's middle name when it may benefit him overseas. Plus, Obama's effortless diplomacy in ...
Looking for some actual analysis of Obama's trip to Turkey? Forget it. Reporter Helene Cooper praised Obama's "bold" admission that he lived in Indonesia as a boy, while another story gushed: "A ...